
"Not even the fabled walls of Ashdoure could stop me from achieving victory."

In the tapestry of Buster’s life, one adage reigns supreme: money talks. Born from the crucible of almost nothing, he carved a path to a life of indulgence, a journey fueled by the currency of power and luxury. Relationships, for Buster, are transactions—business ventures where financial reciprocity is the sole language spoken.

Deprived of luxury for so long, Buster is often labeled a materialistic heathen. Yet, in his world, where flowing drinks, beautiful women, and good times become the currency of alliances, he finds his corner. The opulence he now revels in is not just a pursuit of pleasure; it’s a symbol of victory over a past defined by scarcity.

A shrewd dealmaker, Buster has secured powerful allies through a few strategic transactions. Operating mostly within the shadows, he navigates the intricate web of power with stealth and intelligence, albeit with a hint of impulsiveness. Buster understands that in the pursuit of profit, sometimes dirty work is inevitable, and he isn’t afraid to delegate tasks to his hired hands.

His alliances are like contracts—binding agreements where mutual benefit is the only foundation. Buster’s circle is a mix of shadows and opulence, where each member plays a role in the grand tapestry of his ambitions. As long as there’s profit to be made, Buster remains a calculating force, weaving deals and alliances with the finesse of a master puppeteer.

In the world where victory is measured in currency and power, General Buster stands as a testament to the relentless pursuit of indulgence. His story unfolds in the corridors of wealth and shadows, where every alliance is a calculated move and every victory is etched in the ledger of profit.

– CL