
"Even the smallest spark can set the world on fire."

Within the arid embrace of a small desert enclave, Polyfire is not just a warrior; he is regarded as a demigod teetering on the brink of immortality. His arrival into this realm was marked by an eerie stillness—he was born stillborn. However, fate took an unexpected turn when his mother, desperate to save her son, sought the intervention of the village shaman. In a solemn exchange, the shaman granted life to the newborn in return for the mother’s sacrifice.

As Polyfire’s eyes opened, they ignited with an otherworldly flame, a manifestation of the mystical bargain that spared him from the clutches of the afterlife. The fire that rendered him blind became the essence that flowed through his veins, a source of power and immortality that set him apart from mere mortals.

Yet, Polyfire harbored no interest in the mundane affairs of the mortal realm. His purpose, like the flicker of a distant flame, was not a choice but a calling. He did not join the fight against The Organization by personal volition but was summoned, a divine pawn in the cosmic chessboard of fate. In exchange for his power and immortal existence, he sacrificed his will, becoming a servant to those who needed abilities beyond the grasp of ordinary Pika.

To gain Polyfire’s allegiance is not a matter of coercion but a question of faith. The group that seeks to employ his formidable powers must possess a resolve of faith greater than their adversaries. His loyalty is not commanded; it is earned through the strength of conviction and purpose.

In the shifting sands of the desert enclave, General Polyfire is a living testament to the intertwining of sacrifice and power, a demigod whose flames illuminate the path of the chosen. The smallest spark within him has the potential to set the world ablaze, a celestial fire that burns beyond the confines of mortal comprehension.

– CL